What do you like about Beerwah, or its adjoining centres for that matter, but this article is about Beerwah, and particularly what it was like in 1937 when I first knew it. The writer has been asked by Roland and Lydia Munyard to contribute this article for his website named Beerwah. Although I do not now know many of you personally, you will know me because the new bridge over Coochin Creek … [Read More...]

Meet Local Artist: David Howard
Meet Local Artist David Howard who has been living in Beerwah since 1989, working on his art from his home based studio. David primarily works on paintings and drawings, but also experiments with video and music. His current work could be described as “near abstract” and “non-decorative”. The most recent work is based on concepts and ideas pertaining to a critical look at culture, art, … [Read More...]

Coastal Pathway stretch between Currimundi Lake and Wurtulla is now complete
Ready to run, walk or cycle on the Costal Pathway between Currimundi Lake and Wurtulla Local residents and visitors will be pleased to learn the Coastal Pathway connecting Kathleen McCarthur Park at Currimundi Lake to Oceanic Drive South in Wurtulla is now complete. Sunshine Coast Council Division 3 Councillor Peter Cox said he was excited this local stretch of the Coastal Pathway is now open … [Read More...]

Puzzle 01: The Puzzle 02: Tale of Two Estates, (Lushland and Coochin Twins)
Please help solve the puzzle about the "Tale of Two Estates in Beerwah". Why is one estate Lushland selling like wood fired pizza on a cold day, and another estate Coochin Twins remains seemingly desolate, unwanted, and as empty as a whistle? Which Two Estates are these? Coochin Twins, Beerwah: years in development, and empty http://www.coochintwins.com.au Lushland Estate, Beerwah: … [Read More...]

Morning “Photo Stroll” around Beerwah
This morning, 25th July, 2014, I did something of a "Photo Stroll" around Beerwah, and I thought I might share some of the highlights, including the New Housing Estate at the corner of Peachester and Roberts Road, a Peek into the Vacant Land (about 5 acres outside the Beerwah Recycle Centre, a Peek into the old "Eden Retirement Centre" now know as Embracia. You can Click on any photo for a … [Read More...]

The Town of Beerwah
The ever-growing town of Beerwah resides in the southern portion of the Sunshine Coast hinterland, which is located in South-East Queensland. It is the local business hub of the area, the small town of Landsborough five kilometres to the north, Glasshouse Mountains township six kilometres to the south and the hamlet of Peachester, approximately ten kilometres to the west. Its current population is … [Read More...]

Glasshouse Country Muso Club
Glasshouse Country Muso Club The Glasshouse Country Muso Club meet regularly and share and play music together in the Glasshouse Country region. Below is a small selection of the music played at the club, This is by no means a complete reflection of what gets played at the Muso Club, these are simply a selection of what we have available at http://www.youtube.com/GlasshouseCountry An … [Read More...]

Musos Club Thursday October 25 at Beerwah RSL
Hi Everyone, We have the Musos Club coming up next Thursday October 25 at Beerwah RSL, and it is a theme night - Songs that changed the world! Come along and sing us songs that reflect this theme for you. Was Redgum’s I was only 19, or Dylan’s The times they are a changing one of them, or perhaps Paul Kelly’s From little things big things grow or Helen Reddy’s I am woman*? Performers and … [Read More...]

Meet the Trade: Michael Jenner from Elite Mechanical & Spare Parts
Meet Michael Jenner from Elite Mechanical & Spare Parts Michael together with and his lovely wife Katie manage Elite Mechanical & Spare Parts and they do a great job in the community. Conveniently located on the corner of Steve Irwin and Peachester Road (right next door to Beerwah Cycles) they take care of all Automotive repair and Farm Equipment including Mechanical Repairs, … [Read More...]

A Tribute to Victor Donald Smith: A Pioneer of Beerwah – RIP
On this day 33 years ago a Pioneer of Beerwah passed away. His name was Victor Donald Smith. His was a vital part of Beerwah's history and contributed to Beerwah's growth and prosperity. Missed by the grandchildren of this man, Kathleen Evan (Smith) & Diane Paes (Smith). Never forgotten, Always Loved. R.I.P. Pop Smith 02-01-1901 - 21-07-1982 The attached newspaper clipping reads as … [Read More...]

Beerwah to Costco in Northlakes – Is it worth it?
Today was our second "shopping trip" to Costco in North Lakes and like any good local should: "I ask myself is it worth the journey?". Depending on which exit one takes on the Bruce Highway the journey from Beerwah to Costco North Lakes is approximately 90km return, but when you get there the fuel is heavily discounted. (or so they say). Travel to Costco: Is it worth it and are there … [Read More...]

Kids Triathlon Training at Beerwah Pool
Your Kids can train to do Triathlons The children train Tuesday and Friday afternoon from 3.30-4.30pm Beerwah Pool. This group is mainly the younger ones, we play games, do some skill work and teach them about triathlon, they need to be able to swim 25m safely before i will have them, its not safe otherwise, and I am not learn to swim. I also run a development program Wednesday mornings at … [Read More...]

A motorbike ride between Mooloolah and Landsborough (about 3 minutes)
A fairly quick ride between Bike ride between Mooloolah and Landsborough in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland. - This video shows some of the sparse countryside. - it's about 3 minutes long. … [Read More...]

Meet the Shopkeeper: Paul Kellie from Beerwah Print and Stationery
Meet Paul Kellie from Beerwah Print and Stationery who has been in business in Beerwah for over 33 years and he's still smiling in the heart of our town on a prime piece of real estate opposite the Beerwah Post Office. Paul has always enjoyed putting ink onto paper and changing it's identity. He started career his as a Lithographic Printer, many years before computers were even invented. Paul … [Read More...]

The Glasshouse Markets on Sunday the 9th of September 2012
A collection of 150+ classic cars, swap meet stalls, 45+ stallholders showcasing handcarfted arts/crafts, fresh produce, childrens car making workshop/competition, jumping castle, face painting, Live Music. A great day for the whole family. Relax in the Sunflower cafe with a fresh coffee and beautiful food. All funds from the car show and BBQ to benefit Glasshouse Mtns State … [Read More...]

Residents Association South Sunshine Coast
Residents Association South Sunshine Coast (formerly Caloundra City Ratepayers Association) Now in their 17th year, the Residents Association South Sunshine Coast (formerly Caloundra City Ratepayers Association) meet on a monthly basis at the Caloundra RSL to discuss local issues that predominantly affect the former Caloundra City Council area. For more information, contact the … [Read More...]

A delightful family home movie portraying life in a Peachester home circa 1984
An iconic and delightful "Home Movie" which portrays "Family Life" in Peachester Home in the mid 80's, This video also marks the start of the Local History section of our website so if you have any local news or history to contribute, please send in your contributions. Everything from the dog barking at the lawn mower to nothing worth watching on television tonight. ( it seems as though … [Read More...]